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Get Started with your Outcomes Data Visualization (ODV) Module
Get Started with your Outcomes Data Visualization (ODV) Module

Learn about your next steps to get your ODV Module up and running on your virtual career platform!

Christina Butler avatar
Written by Christina Butler
Updated this week

If you have the Outcomes Data Visualization (ODV) Module integrated with your virtual career center, congrats - you now have the ability to showcase your important outcomes data in a visually compelling way to help drive enrollment, retention, and persistence at your institution! There are some key steps for getting your data up and running on your platform, so read on to learn what to do next:

Plan Ahead:

  1. At this time, it can take between 1-2 weeks for our team to review your ODV data submission to ensure it is correctly formatted, and then there is sometimes additional corrections you may have to make based on our review. Please plan accordingly, especially if you need to showcase this data by a certain date.

Review our formatting guidelines so you know how to format your data file:

  1. It is critical that you format your ODV file that you submit to us in the correct format. We follow the NACE First-Destination Survey Standards and Protocols to inform our format, so please follow these First Destination Data ODV Formatting Guidelines to submit your data. Improperly formatted data submitted to the uConnect team may result in further delays in upload time. Please ensure all data is formatted correctly before submission.

  2. To view a sample format for this data, view this spreadsheet example.

Remember: Please format and save your file as a csv.file! We do not except other file types, such as an Excel file.

Submit Your Data:

  1. After you've properly formatted your data in the correct format to ensure it means our guidelines mentioned above, then you're ready to submit your data file!

Customize Your Student Outcomes Page:

  1. While you are waiting for us to review and process your data file, you should begin customizing your Student Outcomes page under Publish>Pages. Learn more in this support article about how you can update your page and chart descriptions, in addition to updating your personalize header image for your Outcomes page.

Embed Your Outcomes on External Pages:

  1. Another great perk of the ODV module is that you can embed the outcomes data onto external webpages, such as your institution's admissions or department pages, as an example. You can easily access the embed code needed to feature this data too within the Publish>Student Outcomes section of your admin dashboard. Start having conversations now with key stakeholders at your institution to get their buy-in to feature this compelling data in other important ways.

Decide Where to Feature Your Outcomes:

  1. Once your data submission is processed and your Student Outcomes page is customized, it's time to link your Outcomes page throughout your uConnect platform. We typically recommend featuring your Outcomes page within your main menu navigation so it is front-and-center on your platform. Follow these instructions on how to add it your main/primary navigation menu!

2. You also may want to feature the Outcomes widget within specific and relevant pages on your platform as well, in addition to adding call-to-action buttons. For any of these final touches, please submit a support request below.

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