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Edit a menu

Learn edit existing menus for your platform

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Updated over 4 months ago

There are three types of menus you can edit in your platform:

  • A Primary/Main Navigation Menu (sits on your front page)

  • Hero/Community Navigation Menu (serves as an inner menu on Community pages)

  • Footer Menu (sits at the bottom of your platform)

To edit an existing menu, first navigate to the Customize > Menus area of your dashboard.

From there, you will want to click on the menu dropdown bar to choose which menu you want to edit and then hitting "Select" to begin editing.

To identify the correct menu that you'd like to edit, use the following tactics in the video below to understand how you can identify which menu you're trying to edit:

Identifying Menus

In short, you'll want to:

  1. Investigate the menu buttons to make sure they match what are on the page

  2. If it's a hero community menu, use the Widget IDs to ensure they match the Widget IDs that are in the menu buttons themselves

Once you've selected a menu that you would like to edit, you have multiple options. You can click directly into a given menu item to update the text of that menu item, you can drag and drop to rearrange where that menu item appears within the menu, or you can select a menu item and then hit the 'Delete' button to remove it from your menu. You also are able to add new menu items from the left-hand side bar set of options. To better understand adding new menu items, please review this article here.

Pro Tip: Make sure to update your Screen Options so all of your menu settings are visible for optimum editing capabilities!

After making any changes, don't forget to hit 'Save Menu!'

Video Tutorial: Edit Menus

If you're creating or editing Hero Community Menus, refer to these specific instructions below:

Still have questions?

If you are having any menu issues, start here with our menu troubleshooting article!

Then, if you're interested in learning more about the reasons why you may want to add a new menu, or the different types of menus that are available, explore more of our collection of menu articles here.

Finally, if you're having any other difficulties in adding or updating a menu, you can reach our Support team using the button below:

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