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Troubleshooting Menu Issues

Whether your Menu is not appearing or the anchor link is not working, read on to learn about the most common menu issues.

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Updated over 2 months ago

Here are the most common Menu issues you may encounter and how to fix them.

I created a new menu but it is not appearing

Reason) This is most likely because you do not have a widget activated for your menu currently. Especially if you just created a new hero/community navigation menu, you will need the uConnect support team to activate a widget for your new menu.

Solution) Submit a Menu widget request to this widget form and let us know what menu to take live and on which page(s).

My menu disappeared and I don't know why

Reason) You may have accidentally unselected the "Display location" of the menu. For example, if your main/primary navigation menu disappeared, it is most likely because you unselected the "Primary Navigation" checkbox under the "Display location" section at the bottom of the Menus section, meaning it is no longer set as a your main/primary navigation menu any more.

Solution) First, select the Menu you are trying to fix from the drop-down menu at the top and then hit "Select." Next, scroll down to the bottom of the page and check the corresponding "Display location" you want it to appear on and then hit the "Save Menu" button.

My menu is not anchoring down to the widget on a page

Reason) It is most likely because you did not add the widget ID or the correct widget ID within the menu itself.

Solution) These instructions go into detail about how to find the correct widget ID, but in short, navigate to the page you are trying to edit on the menu on. Then, find the widget you are trying to anchor to. Highlight with your mouse/trackpad the title of the widget, right-click to bring up the "Inspect" option, and once you click that, you'll want to locate the widget ID within the HTML code that has appeared on the right side of your screen. Click "Edit HTML" to copy the widget ID, and then go back to Customize>Menus, find the Menu you want to edit, and then add the widget ID in the Menu item (a Custom Link tab) in the "URL" field and add a hashtag # in front.

See screenshots below!

How do I add more menu items? I only see a few options

Reason) You need to turn on more "Screen Options" to display more Menu item options.

Solution) Click on "Screen Options" and choose more Menu items that you'd like to appear!

My primary menu header tabs are different colors. How do I fix that?

This happens when you still have a backslash (/) in the URL field of the menu item itself. Read this article to learn how to fix it!

My menu item isn't linking to anything or is linking to a page not found message

Reason) Most likely, you have add a "Custom Links" menu item and the URL you added is incorrect or invalid. It may contain a spell error or it may not be the correct URL.

Solution) Edit the "Custom Link" URL menu item with the updated URL and save your menu changes!

If you're still having issues, please reach out to our support team.

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