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How do I add or update subscribers in my platform?

Wondering how to add subscribers to your Engage>Subscribers section of your platform? Read on to learn more.

Christina Butler avatar
Written by Christina Butler
Updated over a week ago

If you'd like to add subscribers to your platform under Engage>Subscribers, you must submit a subscriber list to us via our secure form. You cannot add subscribers to your platform on your own.

You will also need to upload a subscriber list if you are updating subscriber's preferences, even if the subscribers are staying the same. For example, perhaps you would like to change the Career Community tags that are associated with a group of students that are already subscribers in your platform. In this example, you'd upload a new subscriber list with that list of students and their update Career Community tags.

Important: Even if you need to only add one or two subscribers, you must still submit them through our form!

Before you submit your list, please read this article FIRST as you will need to know how to format your subscriber list AND there are other ways that subscribers get added to your platform. Once you've done so, you can submit your list below.

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