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Submit subscriber lists

To ensure that the right people are always receiving content, submit or update your subscriber lists.

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Updated over 4 months ago

In your uConnect platform, you can gain subscribers in three ways. The first is through organic user signups, the second is through an automated integration (SIS) with your institution's user data system, and the third is through submitting a subscriber list to the uConnect team.

What you can do with subscriber list uploads:

  • Add or Update new students, employers, faculty, staff, etc. into your Subscribers section to receive email content

  • Update tags associated with the above stakeholder groups so they receive different email content

  • Remove any of the above Subscribers so they no longer receive emails

Ensuring that you have an accurate list of subscribers in your platform is one of the best ways to maintain high levels of engagement with your platform. An accurate subscriber list means that you can send relevant, one-off custom emails to your stakeholders or enable automated alerts so that they are regularly receiving the best content for them direct to their inbox. We recommend updating your subscriber lists each semester to keep this information up-to-date.

Check out this video that provides an overview of everything you need to know about subscriber lists and then read on for more guidance!

1. Determine the Audience type for your subscriber list

You can view what Audience types you can upload subscriber lists for by referring to your Audience/Stakeholder Communities under Manage>Communities. See below:

Important: You MUST include the Audience type in your csv.file name that corresponds with the subscriber list you are uploading. For example, if you are uploading an undergraduate student subscriber list, you should name your file "Undergraduate Student_Subscriber List_SCHOOLNAME.csv."

2. Create your subscriber list file

Use this template to begin formatting your Subscriber List and please be sure to download and submit as a csv.file.

Within your spreadsheet, in the column for a given Community Group, you can note if one student who is a pre-med major should be pre-subscribed to the 'Healthcare' community by noting 'Healthcare' in their row of user information. It is not required that every subscriber have information in this column if you would only like to pre-subscribe certain users.

If there are multiple Communities that you would like to subscribe someone to within the same Community Group, those can be separated by semicolons.

Also, make sure your Graduation Date column contains a 4-digit year as we do not support text-based dates or other date formats such as 6/18/25.

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Remember: when you want to add additional columns to tag your subscribers to other communities, you must use one of your Parent Communities - the larger community groupings at the top of your Manage>Communities page - as the header name and then include the subcommunities within the column.

Remember: we can only tag subscribers to existing Communities in your Manage>Communities section. If you include a column called "Majors" for a undergraduate student subscriber list and you do not have "Majors" communities in your platform, we cannot map them to anything.

3. Add the required information for each subscriber type that you are submitting.

The minimum information required for each user type is as follows. Each item must be in its own column.

  • Students: First name, Last name, email address

  • Alumni: First name, last name, email address

  • All other User Types: First name, last name, email address

SSO ID is optional if you have SSO integrated with your uConnect platform

Please Note: If you are submitting multiple user types for upload, such as Undergraduate Students AND Graduate Students, they must be submitted in different spreadsheets in order for our team to properly upload them.

4. Pre-tag your subscribers, to curate further.

For any subscriber type, you have the option to use tags to pre-subscribe stakeholders to certain Communities. Pre-subscribing your users based on information that you already have for them can allow you to communicate with them in a more individualized, tailored way.

To have a subscriber be pre-tagged, any tags will need to be included in a unique column. For example, if you would like to pre-subscribe a set of students to Career Communities, you should create a Career Communities column. To see your full tagging options, navigate to Manage > Communities in the back end of your platform. The headers there are your Community groups. When you click on the header, you will see the tags that belong to this Community group. These are all options for you to assign to imported subscribers!

If you would like to pre-subscribe someone to a Community in a different Community Group (for example, maybe they have expressed specific interest to your office in learning more about resume-building, so you would like to subscribe them to one of your Career Skill Communities), please be sure that this information is included in a different column.

5. Submit your subscriber list.

Using the button below, please submit your subscriber list and our team will get the information uploaded for you! Please expect up to a 5-day timeline for your subscriber list to be uploaded after it is submitted.

Note: If a profile already exists for a user and their email is included in a new or updated contact list, their profile will not be deleted or duplicated. Only new tags will be added to the existing profile.

Wondering what happens to your contact lists at the end of the school year? This article explains it all. 

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