Guide to Creating a Student Subscriber List
This guide will walk you through the process of creating a student subscriber list as a Candid Career Plus client. By following these steps, you will be able to import and manage your student information efficiently.
Getting Started
Make a Copy of the Template: Start by making a copy of the provided template.
Import Student Information: Paste all student information into the template.
Required Columns: Ensure that the columns for first name, last name, and email are filled out.
Graduation Date: Use a four-digit year format (e.g., 2024) for the graduation date.
Community Tags: Opt students into Get Hired Community Groups and Industry Community Groups initially and make sure to copy the information into each cell for each student in your spreadsheet.
Adding Students
Copying Cells: Follow the instructions to copy cells for each student to tag them into the community groups.
SSO ID: Optional, provide institutional SSO IDs if applicable. If you're interested in setting up SSO, please read this article.
Affinity and Identity Communities: Optional, select from the dropdown if students have disclosed this information securely. Only include this information if your students have shared it in a secure way.
Managing Community Groups
Adding New Groups: You can add new community groups by creating a new column and separating tags with semicolons.
Managing Communities: Visit the Manage Communities section in your platform to add or edit community groups.
Viewing Subscriber Information
Engage Section: Log in to your platform, navigate to Engage, and view subscriber information under the Subscriber tab.
Preferences: Students can adjust their preferences by logging in and selecting their interests.
Email Functionality
Setting up Email: Read this article and submit a ticket to set up email functionality on your UConnect platform.
Automated Alerts: Opt students into Monthly Alerts and customize the frequency and content of emails.
Creating Emails: Design emails with video content and additional resources, and save changes to send them out.
Submit Your Subscriber List
Upload your list: submit your list to our secure form and we typically process subscriber list requests within 24-48 hours unless delays are communicated.
Wait for confirmation: we'll let you know once your subscriber list is processed and once it is, you'll be able to view your subscribers under your Engage>Subscribers platform.
By following these steps, you can effectively manage your student subscriber list and utilize the email functionality to engage with your students!