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Schedule a Blog Post

Use the scheduling tool in the “Publish” section of your blog posts to control when your users will see certain content

Anna Brogan avatar
Written by Anna Brogan
Updated over a week ago

In addition to writing and publishing blog posts in real time, uConnect allows you to schedule when a post will be published to the front end of your platform. This enables you to control the flow of content and synchronize the publication of posts with other news, events, or updates throughout the year. Let’s take a look at how you can schedule a blog post:

Begin by writing a blog post as you normally would, or by pulling a post from one of our external blog providers. From the edit page on your blog post (Publish > Blog > All Posts > click on the title of your post) scroll down to the bottom of the screen until you reach the “Publish” header and look at the “Publish immediately” field next to the calendar icon. Click “edit” next to this field and you will be able to enter in the date and time that you want your post to appear. (Please note that the clock is in 24 hour, or “military”, time).

When you have set the desired time, click “OK”. You’ll notice that the field now reads “schedule for: [your desired date and time]” and the green “Publish” button on the right side of the screen now says “Schedule”. Click this and your post will be scheduled for the time you indicated. When you return to “All posts”, you will see that there is a new category at the top of the screen for “scheduled” blog posts. Here you can find a list of all scheduled blog posts and edit them as necessary.

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