'I am trying to add a new user, but I am getting the error message that the 'user already exists' but we've never added them to our uConnect platform. Please help!'
You could be receiving this error message for two different reasons:
You have Single Sign On (SSO) enabled. What this means is that you have visitors logging in to your uConnect platform using their institutional credentials and once they do, uConnect creates a record for this user. When the visitor logs in using their institutional credentials and they don't sign up for alerts or set their preferences, you will not be able to see them from the admin view of ย Engage > Subscribers. On the other hand, any visitor who has logged in using SSO AND has signed up for alerts and set their preferences, their accounts will show up under Engage > Subscribers.
The user was once in one of the uConnect platforms, but has been removed.
If you have any questions about why we encourage our partners to enable SSO, please refer to this article and please feel free to submit a support request if you have any other questions!