What is the classes feature?
Admin now have the ability to store and manage classes within the uConnect platform! The classes content type allows titles and short descriptions of courses to be easily updated. Other relevant information, such as a featured image, professor’s name, and the amount of credits a class is worth can also be added. Individual courses can then be tagged to specific audiences, career communities, industries, and organizations, allowing classes to appear alongside other relevant resources and opportunities.
The classes feature serves two main purposes:
It stores key information about featured courses in an orderly, intelligent, and visually appealing way.
By tagging your classes to career, academic, industry, or identity communities, your classes will show up among other related content, creating an integrative exploration experience for students, that connects academics with career exploration
Publish new classes
To publish new classes, admins should:
Navigate to the backend of their dashboard, and select the “Publish” button on the left hand side
Select “Classes” underneath the “Publish” drop down menu
Select “Add New”
Add a title, description, professor name, or any additional desired fields
Manage Classes
To edit existing classes, admin should:
Navigate to the backend of their dashboard, and select the “Publish” button on the left hand side
Select “Classes” underneath the “Publish” drop down menu
Locate the course you would like to edit under the “All Classes” section
Click the “Edit” option underneath the class you would like to edit
Update the title, description, professor, tags, or any other field where changes may be necessary
Lastly, it's important to note the fields that are available to be edited for each new class. We've outlined these for you below:
Title: title of the class
Description: an overview of the class and what will be learned, skill development, etc.
Professor: the professor teaching the course
Credits: how many credits can be earned from completing the course
Read More URL: a link to the course posting in your LMS, for a student to register or find more details
Featured Image: an image to represent the content of the class, to make the class posting more visually engaging
Please submit a support request to have a Classes widget added to any page, or to add a Classes landing page to your menu