Understanding the analytics behind past automated email campaigns can provide insight into best practices for engaging users in future emails.
Find engagement analytics:
From your Dashboard, navigate to the left-hand menu and select Engage > Emails > Sent Emails. From this page, you'll see a list of all the automated alerts and custom emails sent from your site.ย
Automated alerts/emails are differentiated by the "Newsletter" email type, while custom emails are labeled with the "Push Campaign" email type.
Select any automated alert to see a detailed report of the email's user engagement.ย
Interpret the data:
Each report provides detailed statistics on open rates, click rates, and other relevant data. ย
Last Opened: the last time and date a recipient opened the email
Open rate: number of times the email was opened out of the number of people to whom it was sent (does not include repeat opens by the same subscriber)
Unique opens: number of times the email was opened (does not include repeat opens by the same subscriber)
Total opens: total number of times the email was opened (includes repeat opens by the same subscriber)
Opens by device: percent of opens that took place on either a mobile or a desktop device
Click rate: number of times one or more links in the email were clicked out of the number of times it was uniquely opened (does not include repeat opens or multiple clicks by the same subscriber)
Unique clicks: number of unique subscribers who clicked one or more links in the email (does not include multiple clicks by the same subscriber)
Total clicks: total number of times links in the email were clicked (includes multiple clicks by the same subscriber)
Clicks by device: percent of clicks that took place on either a mobile or a desktop device
You can also examine your most engaging pieces of content by viewing your list of "Top links viewed."
These analytics provide a deeper understanding of how recipients are interacting with your email messaging. You can also click the Open or Click rates to export user-specific data in .csv form.