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Learn what happens to your subscriber lists at the end of the school year

​Seamlessly transition graduating students into alumni and update current students' user roles.

Alli Pierpont avatar
Written by Alli Pierpont
Updated over a week ago

It's important to update subscriber lists between academic years on a regular basis to ensure that student subscribers continue to receive the content that is most relevant to them without skipping a beat. 

Current students (freshmen, sophomores, and juniors) are tagged by graduating year and, thus, do not require a new subscriber list as they will be automatically moved to the following class tag (eg. Freshman to Sophomore) on August 1.

The August 1 timeline is customizable. Please submit a support ticket if you'd like to customize your Academic Start Date to earlier in the summer.

Graduating students, on the other hand, require a new subscriber list in order to transition to the Alumni user status, so as to account for any seniors that may not have finished the academic year. In order to apply this change, simply create a subscriber list of graduating students, send us the list, and we'll take care of the rest! Within your alumni list, please include fields for 'first name', 'last name,' 'email address,' and 'SSO ID' (if you have it integrated with your uConnect platform + Alumni have a unique ID)

Feel free to send in a new freshmen and transfer student subscriber list, too, to be added to your subscriber database!

Follow this link for further instructions on how to format your subscriber lists and to submit any new or updated lists.

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