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Publishing content to multiple Curation Kits
Publishing content to multiple Curation Kits

Here, we break down the nuances of publishing content that's relevant for more than one Curation Kit in your virtual career center.

Alli Pierpont avatar
Written by Alli Pierpont
Updated over a week ago

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The Two Types of Publication Workflows

There are two types of workflows that you can choose from when activating a Curation Kit:

  • Pending

  • Auto-publish

Selecting a Pending workflow means that all content imported for that kit will appear as pending in your dashboard. You can then pick and choose the content you want to publish to your front end for students and visitors to engage with. This workflow is helpful if you'd like a more hands-on approach to how you publish content.

Selecting an Auto-publish workflow means that all content imported for that kit will automatically publish to the front-end of your virtual career center platform. You can view all the imported content in one place from your admin dashboard as well, by navigating to Publish > Curation Module Content.

What Happens to Content that's Included in Both

Often times, you'll find intersectional content included in the kits that speaks to the experience of multiple identities. For example, say there's a blog post on the salary negotiation tips to close the wage gap for black women, that blog post would be included in the Black and African American and Women Curation Kits. If you have both active on your platform, and at least one of those kits is set to Auto-publish, then the blog post will be published within both kits to both mapped communities.

What Happens if you Activate a Second Kit Later On

Say for example there's a blog post on salary negotiation tips to close the wage gap for black women, included in the Black and African American kit, and also included in the Women kit. When you activate the Black and African American kit, that blog post would be imported and would follow your publication workflow identified for that kit (pending or auto-publish).

If, in the future, you choose to activate the Women kit, that will kit will begin importing content, pulling the 20 most recent pieces of content every 24 hours. Once the blog post on salary negotiation tips is read in that daily sync for the Women kit, the existing post on your platform will be updated to be included in the Women kit and tagged to the corresponding community. (It will not create a duplicative piece of content.)

Because the kits import a max of 20 pieces of content in 24 hours, you may find that content that's already been published (and relevant to more than one kit) takes time to be tagged to the new kit, because our algorithm favors fresh, dynamic content first.

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