Expressive messaging is commonly used among the 18 - 25 year old demographic. Gifs, emojis, photos and videos add a level of familiarity and understanding to your content that will attract more viewers and increase engagement. They also help to express a feeling or idea that may be harder to convey through text.
You can quickly and easily add multiple types of media to your blog posts as you create them in the dashboard.
Add a gif:
If a picture is worth a thousand words, just imagine how much a single gif is worth!
Add an emoji:
When it comes to using emojis, you really can't overdo it.
Add a photo:
Upload an image and then crop and edit it all from within your dashboard. You can also embed images from photo sharing sites such as Flickr, Imgur, and Photobucket.
Add a video:
Embed a video from sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, TED, HULU, CollegeHumor and DailyMotion. Make sure to copy the URL onto a new line within the text editor for the auto-embed to work.
Embed a Tweet:
Simply copy the link to the Tweet you wish to copy and paste it in the body of your post. Make sure to copy the URL onto a new line within the text editor for the auto-embed to work.
Embed from Instagram:
Copy the link of the Instagram post you wish to embed and paste it in the body of your post.
Embed content from Reddit, Photobucket, Tumblr, Soundcloud, Vimeo and others:
There are plenty of sites that you can embed content from simply by dropping a link into the post editor. Make sure to copy the URL onto a new line within the text editor for the auto-embed to work.
See the full list here: