A little bit of background
Content categories are used to help organize all the content on your platform. You can create a group of categories for each type of content on your platform (i.e. job categories for jobs, event categories for events, etc.). You can't apply categories from one group to other types of content (if you feel that you might want to, that's a good sign that the category in question should actually be created as a community!).
Below, we've compiled a list of some of the most successful content category setups! Feel free to recreate these lists on your platform, or tweak them based on the goals of your institution!
Recommended content categories
Blogs: (1) career and professional development advice, (2) industry insights, (3) student and alumni success stories, (4) employer spotlights, (5) latest news
Classes: (1) career development courses, (2) core classes, (3) skill building courses
Employers: (1) local, (2) startup, (3) international, (4) open to sponsor international students
Experiences: (1) research opportunities, (2) study abroad, (3) employer shadows, (4) service learning, (5) job simulations (6) scholarship / funding opportunities (7) micro-internships
Events: (1) workshops, (2) career fairs, (3) info sessions, (4) webinars, (5) on-campus interviews, (6) networking events, (7) virtual events,
Jobs: (1) full-time, (2) part-time, (3) internship, (4) on-campus
Organizations: (1) student organizations, (2) academic fraternities and sororities, (3) professional associations
People (Mentors): (1) alumni, (2) students / peers, (3) faculty, (4) community professionals
Resources: (1) resume and cover letter samples (2) online tools, (3) industry research, (4) how-tos and support resources (5) employer / recruiter policies,
Sponsor: (1) Sponsor Level 1 (2) Sponsor Level 2, (3) Sponsor Level 3,
Videos: (1) student and alumni interviews, (2) webinar / virtual event recordings, (3) industry insights (4) employer spotlights (5) career & professional development advice