How to integrate with GradLeaders
Integrating with GradLeaders requires a couple of steps. First you need to contact GradLeaders and have them issue a unique "integration key" and let them know the address of our servers for whitelisting purposes. (testing) (staging) (prod)
We will then need the following pieces of information:
The Integration Key
The login URL, for example[SCHOOL ID]/Candidates/Login.aspx?pid=1234
Calendar (for Events)
The "Calendar" is used when importing events from GradLeaders, it will let us know which uConnect calendar you want the events to appear on.
If you're a new partner institution who's going through our onboarding process, submit these items through your customized Integration Implementation Form (linked in your Onboarding Overview).
If you're an existing client that's switched to GradLeaders, please send this information to us via a support ticket.
Please submit your credentials using our GradLeaders form here.