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Export job and subscriber lists

Want to see what info lives in the back-end of your platform?

Anna Brogan avatar
Written by Anna Brogan
Updated over a week ago

Whenever you'd like, you can export a spreadsheet containing all, or a filtered list, of the jobs or subscribers that currently live in the back-end of your uConnect platform.
Here's how: 

JOB List: 

  1. From your dashboard, navigate to Publish > Employers and Jobs > Jobs

  2. Select any desired filters for the list

  3. Scroll down to the bottom left-hand corner of the page, where you will find a blue button labeled "Export Jobs"

  4. The spreadsheet will be emailed to you once it has been processed

    Note: There is a limit of 1000 Jobs that can be exported.


  1. From your dashboard, navigate to Engage > Subscribers

  2. Select any desired filters for the list

  3. Scroll down to the bottom right-hand corner of the page, where you will see a green button labeled "Export List" 

  4. The spreadsheet will be emailed to you once it has been processed

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