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Submitting subscriber lists

Submit subscriber lists to lay the groundwork for targeted messaging through the custom email and automated email tools.

Anna Brogan avatar
Written by Anna Brogan
Updated over a week ago

Subscriber lists ensure relevant information is sent to appropriate audience groups. With subscriber lists, admin can easily push out information that targets a specific audience or subscriber group, like a welcome letter directed at all first year students. Regularly updating subscriber lists is important, as it guarantees irrelevant content is not sent to users.

For example, second year students do not need to receive information about events that are only applicable to the senior class, just like alumni do not need to receive alerts about best testing practices or available internships if they have already started their jobs. Staff members who have already left their institutions do not need to continue receiving alerts as well.

Format your subscriber list:

Updates to subscriber lists are formatted through Excel and then submitted to our uConnect team.  

To upload a subscriber list, follow the steps below:

1. Upload your file in csv, xls, or xlsx format. 

2. Add the required information for each user type as follows. Each item must be in its own column.

-->Students: First name, Last name, email address, year of graduation
-->Alumni: First name, last name, email address, year of graduation
-->All other user types: First name, last name, email address

See the example below to view how a student subscriber list should be uploaded.

3. Make sure to submit different user types in separate spreadsheets. If you have both undergraduate and graduate students, they must be submitted in separate sheets. 

4. To assign tags to subscribers, including majors, industries, and campus locations, follow the rules below:

Additional information must be mapped directly to tags already in your uConnect system. For example, if you provide each student's major in the spreadsheet but you do not have tags for majors in uConnect, this information will be deleted. 

Think of each column in your spreadsheet as a community tag category. To see your categories and what they contain, navigate to Manage>Communities in the back end of your platform. The green headers are your tag categories. When you click on the header, you will see the tags that belong to this category.

In each column of your spreadsheet, you may only include tags from ONE tag category type. If you want to include multiple tags within the same category (for example if you are tagging students to their major, and a student is a double major), separate the two items with a semicolon, but keep them in the same column. 

Upload your subscriber list:

To submit your subscriber list once the above format is achieved, use our secure subscriber list upload form below.

Note: We recommend updating your subscriber lists every semester. Doing so will give you more accurate data and ensure that new students are subscribed for alerts

Note: If a profile already exists for a user and his email is included in a new or updated subscriber list, his profile will not be deleted or duplicated. Only new tags will be added to the existing profile.

Wondering what happens to your subscriber lists at the end of the school year? This article explains it all. 

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